Policies & Procedures
To view MCC's individual policies, please access the documents' PDFs as provided below:
Chapter 1: Board of Trustees
Chapter 2: Administration
Policies impacting all College constituents.
- 2.1 Identity Theft Prevention Policy
- 2.2 Whistleblower Policy
- 2.3 Investment Policy
- 2.4 College Contracts Policy
- 2.5 Shared Governance
- 2.6 Tobacco Free, Smoke-Free & Vape-Free Policy
- 2.7 Freedom of Expression Policy
- 2.8 Naming Opportunities Policy
- 2.9 Americans with Disabilities Act and Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act Policy
- 2.10 Sexual Harassment and Discrimination Response and Prevention Policy
- 2.11 Child Protection and Mandatory Child Abuse Reporting and Prevention Policy
- 2.12 Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy
- 2.13 Workplace Violence Prevention Policy
- 2.14 College Administration Policy
- 2.15 Copyright and Faculty Ownership of Intellectual Property Policy
- 2.16 Media Relations Policy
- 2.17 Transfer and Prior Learning Credit Policy
- 2.18 Surplus Property Policy
- 2.19 Procurement Policy
- 2.20 Freedom of Information Law Policy
- 2.21 Title IX Grievance Policy
- 2.22 Procurement Conflict of Interest Policy
- 2.23 Preferred First Name Policy
- 2.24 Responding to and Accommodating Pregnancy and Related Conditions Policy
- 2.25 Nondiscrimination Policy for Discrimination Complaints for Students and Employees
- 2.25P Nondiscrimination Grievance Procedure for Discrimination Complaints for Students and Employees
Chapter 3: Academics
Chapter 4: Human Resources
Policies impacting working relationships with the College for all employee groups.
- 4.1 Conflict of Interest Policy for College Officers and Non-Contract Employees
- 4.2 MCC Employee and Visitor Conduct Policy
- 4.3 Drug-Free Workplace Policy
- 4.4 Cyber Security Awareness and Education Policy
- 4.5 Animals at the College Policy
- 4.6 Nepotism Policy
- 4.7 Consensual Relationships Policy
- 4.8 Flexible Work Policy
Chapter 5: Public Safety
Policies related to emergency systems, police practices, general safety and environmental issues.
Chapter 6: Students
Policies impacting the students relationship with the College.
Chapter 7: Technology
Policies that cover systems, access, data, and related issues.